Audit efficiency without sacrificing quality

No need to ask for longer hours in a day because audit progress never stops when you outsource. Our team provides remote audit support in all types of audit engagements delivering our expertise for your benefit – on time, on budget, and with highest quality.

We bring with us meaningful experience and expertise in various industries from international and local markets. Utilizing RSM tools and methodologies, we are confident in delivering high-quality audits from planning to reporting phase. We’re in a position to assist in all phases of the audit including, but not limited to the following:

  • Audit Planning
  • Test of Controls and Compliance
  • Substantive Testing
  • Data Analytics
  • Completion Procedures
  • Review and Report presentation
  • Technology and controls assessments and systems implementation assistance
  • Internal control review and design

We are always up to date with the most recent industry information and best practices. We can assist in evaluating a company’s internal control such as effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial and management reporting, compliance with laws and regulations, and safeguarding of assets. Let us reach your organization goals by identifying areas for improvement and providing actionable recommendations.

We know how different domains have a strict set of rules and regulations. Our vast understanding of its complexity allows us to effectively apply requirements on circumstance being tested. Some of the compliance audits we offer are Overhead Rates Audit, Single Audit, and State Compliance Audit.


Confidence in your financial records

Our team provides virtual accounting services for your business. We will handle your financial and data processing so you can gain valuable time to scale up your business and focus on your day to day business operations.

Maintaining accounting books can sometimes be tedious but it is only in proper recordkeeping where we can produce accurate and reliable financial reports. We provide GL management services where we will keep track, record, and review your financial information.

Accounts payable processing is vital to businesses who understand how to utilize the cash to their advantage. We do more than just processing of payments; we make the most out of opportunities in managing your cash outflows effectively. Some of our responsibilities include receiving, processing, and verifying invoices, tracking and recording purchase orders, and handling payments.

Strengthen your company’s liquidity position as we offer streamlined and efficient AR processing improving collection rates and minimizing the risk of non-collection. We will handle your billing procedures which include reviewing billing information, creating, and filing invoices, and issuing them to customers.

Have a clear understanding of how your business is doing and make well-informed decisions with accurate information. We are detail-oriented and highly knowledgeable with current accounting procedures, reporting practices, and requirements in preparing financial reports in accordance with US GAAP and IFRS.

Alongside the expansion of business comes complexity in reconciling parent and subsidiary accounting books. Working with large data volumes and intercompany transactions coming from different sources with different accounting structure makes it susceptible to errors and inconsistencies. Let us help you ease out your closing process. We will adjust your intercompany transactions to accurately reflect their impact on the consolidated entity, deliver well-documented reconciliation, and provide timely report.


Onto the right path in taking your next big financial goals

Hiring a full-time Controller or CFO can be very expensive, but with Vasquez BPO, you only pay for the services you need. We provide fully managed finance services to help you get the right financial data so you can make the best business decisions in a timely manner. Our team has years of diverse industry experience and brings in-depth operational, strategic, and financial planning expertise.

Embark on any business ventures with confidence as we lay out your long-term financial strategies. We will help you analyze financial trends, create forecasts, develop budgets, and other financial planning tasks fit to your goals and needs.

Boost your company productivity as we optimize your resources and redesign the organizational process. We will study your workflow and improve the ways you operate.


We provide insightful analysis based on our IT control review and testing for a future-ready operation

Understanding how critical systems and processes contribute to your overall processing environment and affect the reliability of financial information is a primary element of our IT audit approach. VBPO's IT audit professionals bring a unique combination of technical security expertise, audit process background, and business understanding. This level of expertise and experience allows us to effectively assess whether the standards of security, integrity, continuity, and controls are conducive to reliable processing, consistent with the company’s technology standards, and appropriate to safeguard your information assets.

General IT controls are pervasive controls within the IT environment. We cover the following types of IT controls in our IT audit approach:

  • IT Policies and Procedures review – assess policies and procedures to keep your organization up to date with regulations, technology, and industry best practices.
  • Logical security (access to programs and data) — includes the components of management governance over Information Technology, application configuration, and security of the physical assets.
  • Change control management—assesses program changes moved into the production environment, and the processes applied to ensure the appropriate initiation, authorization, segregation, testing, and approval are evident.
  • Data backup and recovery—reviews that the data backup/storage process and ability to recover data for applications and databases for the given opinion period are complete, tested, and maintained, including the handling of errors.
  • Job processing—tests for the completeness of data transfers/interfaces between your system and other disparate applications; and the change management processes for handling errors, script changes, and interface edits.
  • Security administration—addresses the user access provisioning for application, databases, and operating systems, along with management’s review of access for completeness, segregation of responsibilities, and accuracy.

IT application controls apply to the business processes they support. These controls are embedded within the software applications to prevent or detect unauthorized transactions. When combined with manual controls, application controls verify completeness, accuracy, authorization, and validity of processing transactions. We will be assessing your application controls by defining materiality by the system, mapping various transaction types to identify key controls, utilizing proprietary questionnaires, inquiring and reviewing written policies and procedures, and testing a sample of transactions.

SOC reports from your organization assist your customers in complying with the financial audit or regulatory requirements they must adhere to (SOX, GLBA, HIPAA) and assure that your organization has sound internal control practices. Additionally, companies interested in targeting certain verticals like finance or health care should know that they will encounter high expectations for their internal controls. Potential customers in these industries may be unwilling to consider vendors that do not meet the SOC standards.

Whether you are a healthcare IT firm with SOC and HIPAA regulatory concerns or a SaaS provider being inundated with lengthy security questionnaires, we can help you find the correct SOC report for your needs based on the product or service you provide to your customers.


Flexibility in meeting your organization needs

At any given time, businesses may be asked to submit unique or one-time financial and compliance reports. We’re able to provide you just what service you need to meet these requirements.

Whether you’re the acquiring party (buyer) or the party being acquired (seller), it’s always a good idea to have an in-depth understanding and assessment on all financial aspects of the business before closing the sale and purchase agreement deal. Some of the procedures we perform include a review of financial statements – current, historical, and forecasted; analysis on trends, variances, and abnormalities; investigation of special matters such as financial commitments, contingent liabilities, and related party transactions; and evaluation of post balance sheet events.

Forensic services cover varying scope and areas. Whichever way you want the service to be done, our investigative and highly competent professionals can uncover fraud and document findings to a court of law. Along with our accounting knowledge, we are also adept at the use of information technology in finding irregularities and detecting other sophisticated methods in committing financial fraud.